



  • Aa \æ\ 元音

云音字母: Aa、Ee、li、Oo、Uu

  • Bb \b\

  • Cc \k\ \s\ 有两个发音

cap \cæp\ cat \cæt\ can \cæn\


cell \sel\ cyber \saɪbər\ city \sɪti\ candy \kændi\

  • Dd \d\

dad \dæd\ damn\dæm\ dance \dæns\ cad \kæd\

  • Ee \e\ 元音 bed \bed\ beg \beg\ det \det\ Ed \ed\ 不可以拼读、辅音在前、云音在后才可以拼读

  • Ff \f\ fat \fæt\ fend \fend\ fans \fæns\ fax \fæks\

  • Gg \g\

gab \gæb\ get \gæt\ gas \gæs\

  • Hh \h\

hat \hæt\ hand \hænd\ hen \hen\ has \hæz\

  • li \I\ 元音

dig \dIg\ sit \sIt\ fit \fIt\ if \If\

  • Jj \dʒ\ jam \dʒæm\ jack \dʒæk\ jelly \dʒelI\ jill \dʒI\

  • Kk \k\ kathy \kæ..\ kettle \ketl\ kiss \kis\ kick \kIk\


  • Ll \l\

leg \leg\ lips \lIps\ flag \flæg\ last \llæ\

没有云音字母的时候的发音 xx Jill bell fell girl

  • Mm \m\

math \mæe\ mem \men\ map \mæp\ miss \mis\

  • Nn \n\ net \net\ neck \nek\ ck组合发音\k\ Nick \nik\ nill \nil\

没有云音字母的时候的发音 xx man \mæn\ hen \hen\ ben \ben\ dance \dæns\

  • Oo \ʊ\ 元音 on 无法拼读

  • Pp \p\ pants \pænts\ pig \pig\ pop \pʊp\ pen \pen\

  • Qq \kw\ 不单独出现一般后面接u -> \kw\

quiz \kwiz\ quick \kwik\ quit \kwit\ question \kwes...\

  • Rr \r\ rock \rʊk\ rat \ræt\ red \red\ rabbit \ræbit\ 两个相同的辅音在一起,只发一个音

练习 rob quell object frog map grip horrid jog

  • Ss \s\ sam \sæm\ sit \sit\ set \set\ soft \sʊft\

  • Tt \t\ tag top ten pot

  • Uu \^\ 元音 but cup fun

  • Vv \v\ very vivid van vomit \'vʊmit\ voice venuse


练习: rest public hump hug valid self tent optic

  • Ww \w\ wet watch 发音比较特殊,t没有发音 win where h没有发音

  • Xx \ks\ ax box fox exit

  • Yy \j\ \I\ 半元音,可以是辅音、也可以是元音 yes yam yet

结尾的时候发元音 yellow happy family city

  • Zz \z\ zip zest zigzag quiz

练习: rust sex mix vanity muggy Lily fix liquid


  • ea \i:\ ee \i:\ tea clean eat sweet beef feet sleep

deed vs did seat vs sit seek vs sick

  • ir \ɜː\ er \ɜ\ (一般在单词尾) sir bird firm girl

dancer cleaner sister summer

  • \a:\ ar |^| hard farm bar mark cart vs cut barge vs budge

练习: feel farmer girder tariff neat ugly

  • aw, au \ɔː\

law raw paw saw

daughter saucer er发音\ɜ\ because

  • ght \t\

bought fight brought right

  • oo 在字母k\d之前 \ʊ\ look book good wood

例外: food \fu: d\

  • oo 在字母t前 \u:\

tooth boot shoot loot

例外: foot \fʊt\

其他无法归类的: zoo too oops

  • ea \e\ head bread weather dead

练习: jean hook bawl goose caught opt cook audibility

  • a-e \eɪ\ 元 + 辅 + e (元音字母发自己的本音、e不发音)

take name late face table plane shave orange

  • ay \eɪ\ day way pray say

  • ey \eɪ\ grey they hey eyrir

例外: \i:\ key monkey

\eɪ\: 1. a-e 2. ey 3. ay

  • i-e \aɪ\ bike nice kite fine white smile slide crime

  • ie \aɪ\ tie lie pie die

  • wh \w\ 或者 \h\

what why

  • o-e \əʊ\ note hope wrote phone

  • oa \əʊ\

boat goat coat float

  • ow \əʊ\ yellow follow slow window

  • ph \f\ photo phrase graph physical


  1. /s/和/t/在一起的时候/t/会变成/d/
  2. /s/和/p/在一起的时候/p/会变成/b/

Excuse me

  • excuse 原谅

  • 对不起、打扰

  • 借过一下
  • 失陪了
  • 麻烦再说一遍、Pardon 也有这个意思

  • me 宾格中的我



  1. 主 + 谓
  2. 主 + 谓 + 宾 I love you(承接动词)
  3. 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾
  4. 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补
  5. 主 + 系 + 表 she is beautiful 表示主语状态和特征(表语)

主格 I you she he it 宾格 me you her him it

  • yes yes 是的 yes? 什么事?

  • this this book that student

  • your your friend your name

  • handbag hand bag

  • pardon 原谅、再说一遍 Sorry? Excuse me? Say it again

  • it 代替物体、地方、天气

It is a desk It is a Beijing It is fine today

  • thank you Thanks! Thanks a lot!

  • very much 非常地

I love you very much 而不是 I very love you Thank you very much 而不是 very thank you

一般疑问句: 功能: 用于询问 构成: be动词(am、is、are)置于句前

I am nice -> Am i nice? You are my friend -> Are you my friend? She is prety -> Is she pretty?

Is this your...?

  • pen
  • pencil
  • book

an English book a book store book one、book two、book three、book four (一册、二册..)

  • watch look at my watch

  • coat 外套

  • dress 连衣裙
  • skirt 短裙
  • car bus coach

  • house 别墅 flat 公寓楼 apartment


  • unbrella

  • please

  • here 这里 (副词) there 那里 where 哪里

  • my 我的


  • ticket

  • number units one No. one => number one

  • sir 先生、对男性的尊称

  • cloakroom 衣帽存放处

名词 + please 1. 点餐时 A roast duck, please 2. 购物时 This shirt, please 3. 进站时 Your ID card, please

Here is my ticket (习惯把here提前) 等同于 My ticket is here

倒装: 1. 主语是名词,倒装为 here + 系动词/实义动词 + n 比如 here is my ticket 2. 主语是代词 不完全倒装 Here + 代词 + 系动词/实义动词 比如 here we go

否定句: is not/am not/are not/isn't/m not(am not(缩写)/aren't

省略形式的祈使句: * My coat and my umbrella please => Give me my coat and my umbrella, please 口语中,在语境比较明确的情况下,通常可以省略动词和间接宾语,比如:

(Show me) your Ticket please (Show me) Passport, please


  • Here's your umbrella and your coat Here is my ticket 正常语序 My ticket is here Here's 是Here is的缩写、这个句子本身也是倒装结构,原句子应该为your umbrella and your coat is here 非缩写形式常用于比较正式的场合

  • Sir 英语中不相识的男子、年长者、或上级的尊称

What can I do for you, sir? Thany you sir

Sir通常用于正式信函的开头: Dear sir Dear sirs

主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词(所有格) 名词性物主代词 I me my mine you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its its they them their theirs we us our

所有格修饰一个名词(人或物),必须与人或物一起 —— 以词组的方式出现在句子中。所有格单独出现在句子中,是错误的,表达的句意不完整。 This is my book

当通过上下文可以,可以推测出所有格后面接的那个名词时,中文直接省略掉。可是英文必须要转换成名词性所有格。 This is mine

名词性所有格,虽然没有出现 人或物 ,但是人或物,已经暗暗含在其中了。

Q: Thank you for your help A: Not at all 不客气、不用鞋

The same to you 你也是

  • suit

  • school primary school middle school university

  • teacher

Mr Wang/Miss Wang

  • son

  • daughter

一般疑问句句的否定形式: 1. 把not放在一般疑问句的主语之后,即构成一般疑问句的否定结构 2. 如果想用not的简略式 n't,则需要将n't和一般疑问句句首的be、have、助动词、或情态动词写在一起

  • Is she not a student? (Isn't she a student?)
  • Will they not come? (Won't they come?)
  • Have you not any sisters? (Haven't you any sisters?)
  • Can she not do it? (Can't she do it?)

Lesson5 Nice to meet you

  1. Mr. 先生 Miss 未婚女性 Mrs 已婚女性

Ms [mɪz] .女士,婚否不知.无全拼.(代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况) Miss [mɪs] 小姐,未婚. Mr 先生,用于男士姓之前,不能单独使用 Mrs 太太 Sir 一般单独使用,是对长者、上司或者男顾客的尊称

  1. Good 好 well 身体好

  2. morning

  3. new 新的 old 旧的

  4. student 学生 浊化: s + 清辅音(/p/、/t/、/g/) 读作浊辅音(/b/、/d/、/g/) sport /p/ /b/ start /t/ /d/ skit /k/ /g/

  5. nice 末尾的e不发音、前面的原因发自己的音 bike kite fine take name fate nose hope

  6. meet 这是动词,用作谓语,后面接宾语 meet you\him]her\me 宾格形式

  7. too 也(肯定句、疑问句尾) I love you too Do you love me too?

冠词: 帽子,带在名词上的帽子,没有特殊情况下不能摘帽子 a nice car a big house a good name

冠词: a、an、the

定冠词: the 确定的、知道的 不定冠词: a/an 不确定的、不知道的

There is a monk The monk is Jack

a/an的区别: an + 元音发音开头的单词、其余用a

an egg an orange an hour

特殊情况: 国家、国籍、人名、城市名

Q: Yes, thank you A: You're welcome

也: * also 也,而且,常置于句中 * too 也,一般置于句尾 * either 也(用于否定句或否定词组)

Lesson6 What make is it?

  • make 牌子

What make is __? What make is your car?

Lession7 Are you a teacher?

  • nationality station happy

  • keyboard

  • operator 操作人员 -or -er director 导演

  • engineer 工程师

I am Chinese He is in England We are in Begjing

Q:What nationality are you? What nationality are you too? A: I'am Chinese

Q: What's your job? A: I'm teacher I have no job

I have no time for/to ....

“If you say that you have no time for a person or thing, you mean you do not like them or approve of them. ”

I have no time for/to ... 改成 I don’t have much time for/to ... 更好,更礼貌

I have no time 不能直接这么用,后面要加说明,比如 I have no time to talk about those issues

一般疑问句: is/am/are 置于句前 Are you French? You are a teacher She is a doctor Is she a doctor? He is a student Is he a student? This is my teacher Is this my teacher? This is your car Is this your car?

特殊疑问句: 什么、谁、谁的、哪个....


What is your job? 1. 找到肯定句被提问的部分 2. 根据句意选择最合适的疑问词 3. 将疑问词设置在句首 4. 如果是针对主语提问,动词放在主语前,否则不变

Lesson8 What's your job

  • taxi cap 的士

  • airhostess 空姐 air airline 航线、航空公司 host 主人 -ess 表示女性的后缀

waiter 男服务员 waiteress 女服务员

tiger tigeress 母老虎

actor actoress 女演员 lion 狮子 lioness 母狮子

  • postman post 邮政

  • nurse 护士

  • mechanic 机械师

  • hairdresser 理发师 dress 打扮、裙子

  • hoursewife

  • milkman 送牛奶的人 policeman postman superman

Lesson9 How are you today?

  • how How is the weather? How is your mother?

  • today tonight

  • thanks Thabks a lot Thanks you very much

How are you? 如何回应 1. Fine \Very well Than you are you 2. Not bad 3. very bad\Terrible

冠词: 帽子,带在名词上的帽子,没有特殊情况下不能摘帽子

特殊情况: 国家、国籍、人名、城市名

两者发音不同,要看the后面接的是元音、还是辅音 the absoulte the range

Lesson10 Look at ...

  • a fat cat 暴发户

  • thin slim 苗条的 You are so slim

  • dirty

  • clean 干净的
  • hot 热的 It is hot today The girl is very hot Lay GaGa is hot now...

  • cold

I have a cold welcome 我受到了冷遇

  • young

  • busy He is very busy

  • lazy 懒惰的

Look at ....

Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?

  • whose what whose pen \ whose shirt \ shose car

  • blue

  • 犹豫的 You are blue today
  • 不健康的 It's blue book
  • 贵族的 blue blood

  • perhaps 大概

Perhaps it is 可能是这样吧 Perhaps so Perhaps not 可能不是这样

  • white 白色 the White House 白宫 white lie 善意的谎言

  • catch 抓住、接着 tch中一般t不发音

catch the thief catch the ball

Whose shoirt is that?

特殊疑问词 + be + 名词 Whose is this car? 特殊疑问词 + 名词 + be + 代词 Whose car is that?

Is this your shirt, Dave?

Here you are 给你

我的 => my 你的 => your Lucy的 => Lucy's

Lucy's friend Lily's book my mother's bag the driver's watch the doctor's car

名词所有的格: 名词's,一种所属的概念,这个名词必须是有生命的

Lesson 12

形容词修饰名词 a fat cat

  • blouse 女衬衫
  • his 他的
  • her 她的

物主代词: 形容词性 my、your、his、her

  • tie 领带

Lesson 13 A new dress

  • a green hand 新手
  • come here
  • upstairs
  • hat
  • smart beautiful
  • same the same color the same city
  • lovely 可爱的、漂亮的
  • beautiful
  • smart
  • lovely
  • nice

  • What color is your ....?

  • Come and see her. 过来看看 两个动词通过and连接起来,就可以把两个动作联系起来,表示一个连续的动作。

  • Here it is 简单的倒装结构 Here I am Here we go

特殊疑问句: 你的名字是什么? What is your name? What is your job? What color is your coat?

Lesson 14

  • case suitcase

  • carpet car 汽车 + per 宠物 = 地毯

  • dog a lucky dog 幸运儿

You're welcome 不用客气 Whose turn is it now? (这里的turn是次序的意思,这句话是说,该轮到谁了)

Lesson 15

  • customs 海关 customer 顾客

  • officer 官员 customs officer 海关官员

  • CEO(Chief Executive Officer)

  • passport 护照 pass 通过 port 港口

  • visa 签证

  • brown 棕色的 brown tea 红色 brown sugar 红糖 `


  1. 一般的名词 + s a girl -> girls a officer -> officers

  2. 以s、sh、x 、ch结尾的 + es/iz/ a bus -> buses a box -> boxes a brush -> brushes

  3. 以f、fe结尾的变f、fe -> ves \vz\

a wife -> wives a shelf -> shelves knife -> knives

  1. 辅音字母+y结尾的名词 变y->i + es\iz\ a baby -> babies a lady -> ladies

  2. 元音 + o结尾 + s\z\ a zoo -> zoos a radio _. radios

辅音 + o 结尾, +es \z\ hero -> heroes potato -> potatoes


  • jeans
  • pants
  • shorts
  • glasses

Lesson 16

black coffee black tea yellow 黄色的 orange 橘黄色

Lession 17

  • employee 雇员 employ 雇用 employer 雇主 trainer 培训 trainee 被培训的人

  • hard-working adj + doing good-looking easy-going

  • sales rep 推销员 复数: sales reps 全称: sales representative

  • assistant 助手 an office assistant 办公室助理

打招呼: Hello How are you? How are you doing? How do you do? 非常正式的打招呼 你好

Come and meet Come and sit down Come and have a drink Come and meet my friend

What are theiy jobs? What is your job?

单复数变换: This is my name These are their names

Who is the young girl? Who are the young girls?

What is your job? What are theiy jobs?

He is a tourist They are tourists.


  • books、jobs
  • buses、boxes、brushes、benches、potatoes
  • wife-wives(f清辅音、变成了v浊辅音)、leaf-leaves
  • baby-babies
  • man-men toman-women
  • foot-feet tooth-teeth
  • child-children


单数名词 + is .... 复数名词 + are ....

  • Her passport is greent
  • The men are keyboard operators
  • This assistant is busy
  • Our classroom is large
  • These umbrellas are useful

  • Lesson 18 What are their jobs?


  1. 西方人先有名还是现有姓? 现有名字、然后有姓

  2. 西方人姓氏来源: 职业: Taylor、Baker ... 颜色: White、Brown .... 生活: Bird、Rice .... 住址: Bridge、Hill 名字+son: Peterson、Johnson、Jackson

19 tired and thirsty

  1. matter 事情 What's the matter? (matter是名词,需要加上冠词) What's wrong? 这里的wrong是形容词 What's the matter with you?

  2. children 孩子们 child kids

  3. tired 累、疲乏

  4. thirsty

  5. sit down 坐下 have a seat sit down, please

  6. right 好,可以 gh不发音 All right (t不发音)

tired and thirsty 又渴又累 beautiful and kind 又好看又善良 young、tall and rich

Threre be句型 There's an ice cream man There's a mailman


20 Look at them!

sister brother mother father husband wife son daughter aunt/aunty 阿姨、姑姑 uncle uncle 叔叔/舅舅 grandmother grandfather

  1. in-law 结婚后的亲属关系 mother in-law father in-law sister in-law brother in-law

  2. step 后的、继的 step father step mother

  3. ex 前任的 ex-girlfriend

21 which book?

ones 代替复数名词 which 哪一个、哪一些

You(主) give(谓) me(承受了give的动作,宾语) a book(承受了give的动作,这里是宾语)


  • give


22 give....

连读: 一辅一元、前辅后元 就可以连读

  • empty

An empty street (An empty 可以连读n和e符合一辅一元,前辅后元)

  • full

I'm full 我饱了 a full stop 句号 a full time job 全职工作

  • large 大的(强调面积) 反义词small,其他情况用big(反义词little) China is a large country This room is large

  • little

  • sharp 锋利的

  • blunt 钝的 The knife is blunt 这刀很钝

  • small small world 世界真小、又见面了

  • glasses

  • cup

  • bottle
  • tin
  • knife (字母k和n在一起的时候,k不发音)
  • fork
  • spoon


  • 中国: 碗+筷
  • 西方: 刀+叉 knifes and forks

It's + adj + of sb 表示默认自身的性格、特点

It's very nice of you to help me 你帮我真是太善良了

It's + adj + for sb 表示对于某人来说如何如何

be late for sth 做...迟到 It's not good to be late for school

The one in pencil 这里的in表示 用..写的 用铅笔写的信

there be句型: (没有there will have的用法,have是助动词,后面还要加been构造there be结构) * 将来时: there will be或者there is going to be

23 which glasses

  1. on 在...之上
  2. shelf 复数 shelves
  3. The ones on the shelf 短语 架子上的那些 介词短语后置,倒着翻译

介词: 连接两个词或词与句子

on: 在...之上

The book is on the desk


cigarette television floor dressing table 梳妆台 magazine newspaper shelf 架子

表示时间: * on 用于具体的某一天或某一天的早上、下午、晚上前 星期或节日前

  1. We met at a afe on the evening of May 25th
  2. I was born on the morning of March 11th

  3. in 表一段时间、用于年、月、世纪、四季或泛指一天的上午、下午、晚上等

  4. in a minute

  5. in three minutes
  6. in a year
  7. in February
  8. in 2017
  9. in spring
  10. in a week

  11. at 用于具体的时间点前、或正午、黄昏、午夜等

  12. Every day he begins his work at 8 o'clock

  13. by 表示最迟在某一时刻

  14. to 表示时间范围,通常和from连用


  • in 表示在某个范围之内,没有出这个圈子

Our village is in a valley Wangfujing Street is in Beijing

  • on 表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,这一点和 over 与 above 是不同的。

There are some boats on the river They're having fun on the playground

  • at 则表示在某个具体的场所或地点,这一点和用在时间之前一样,都是在一个比较具体的、很小的“点”之前

at the cinema at the bus stop at the door

祈使句中,动词要用原型 如果表示的是询问意见或建议的时候即使是疑问句也可以用some而不是any Would you like some tea?

make oneself at home 请自便、随便

25/26 Mrs.Smith's kitchen

  • Mrs
  • kitchen
  • refrigerator
  • fridge 冰箱
  • right
  • electric 带电的、可通电的 an electric cooker an electric shaver(电动刮胡刀)
  • cooker 炉子、炊具,虽然er结尾但不表示人,厨师用cook表示
  • middle 中间 in the middle of 在...的中间
  • room 房间 living room dining room 餐厅 bedroom // [ˈbedruːm,ˈbedrʊm] dr 浊辅音连读

句型: 位置: There is ... in the kitchen 颜色: The ... is blue 状态: It is on the left

There be句型:

  1. 构成 There be + (is, are) + 地点

有: * 拥有 have * 存在 there be

There is one in my heart 我心里有人

There is a cooker in the kitchen -> A cooker in the kitchen there

There be句型中be动词的单复数形式取决于最近的名词的单复数形式

There is(最近的dictionary是单数) a dictionary and some books in the room

in 在...里面 Where is it? 它在哪里

have breakfast/lunch/super/ 迟早饭、吃午饭、吃晚饭

do well in ... 表示在...方面做的好

  • do whell in
  • be good at

I independence, because I be good at association with person. I do well in communicating with customers She is a very clever girl; she will do well in life.

with one's help 在...的帮助下 with the help of one's

With your help(=With the help of yours), we finished the hard work on time. With Kate's help(=With the help of Kate), John caught up with the others in the class.


  • trousers 长裤
  • pants 长裤
  • jeans 牛仔裤
  • shorts 短裤
  • shoes
  • socks
  • gloves 手套
  • glasses
  • shelf 架子,隔板
  • tins 罐子、a tin of 一罐....


有始有终: There is a beging, a middle, and the end.

There is some water in that bottle, isn't there? 那个瓶子里有一些水,不是吗?

children 复数形式的child the number of 作主语时后面动词要用单数



  • shut 关门 The door is shut(形容词,关着的) shut the door 关门

  • must 必须 情态动词 -> 表示情感、态度

  • air 是空气流通 The air is fresh air the kitchen 给厨房通风

这些词都是同时具备名词和动词语义的 water、color、air、dust、book、milk、empty

  • put 放置、搁

Put your hand in your pocket

  • clothes 衣服(单复数同形)


  • wardrobe Put your coat in the wardrobe

  • empty Empty the bottle please 请把瓶子倒空

  • 使空、把..倒出

  • 流出、走出
  • 空的
  • 空虚的、无意义的
  • 呆板的、毫无表情的

  • read

  • sharpen adj + en = v sharp + en = 使锋利 short + en = 缩短 weak + en = 削弱

  • put on & take off

  • turn on & turn off

turn on\off the television

turn it down 人称代码放在中间

  • untidy 乱、不整洁

  • air the room 给房间通风

  • tap 水龙头

  • cupboard 碗柜、食厨

  • sweep 打扫

  • dust 尘埃、粉末、拂去…的灰尘,掸掉…的尘土,给…擦灰

祈使句: A. 没有主语 B. 动词打头

  1. 表示命令: 动词圆形 + ..... Shut the door

  2. 表示请求: please + 动词原型 + ... Please give me it

  3. 表示建议: Let's + 动词原型 + ... Let's go, ok?

What must I do? What must I say\read\clean?

Where must I go\live\stay? Who must I meet\love....?

must的否定用needn't、反义词是must not


  • bathroom 自己家的洗手间
  • restroom 公共厕所
  • washroom 洗手间
  • toilet 厕所
  • loo

男女厕所: lady's room\man's room

禁止吸引、禁止停车等标语通常都是NO... NO SMOKING、NO PARKING

31/32 Where's Sally?

时间: 过去、现在、将来 状态: 正在做(进行)、完成的、一般(通常)

时间 + 状态 = 时态

现在进行时: 现在 + 进行 此时此刻正在做的事情 主语 + is/am/are + doing He is reading He is eating He is drinking He is sleeping He is playing He is running She is writing

do 代表所有的动词 现在分词 用于现在进行时 1. 一般 + ing 2. 以不发音的e结尾 去e + ing (write -> writing) 3. 辅 + 元 + 辅, 双写辅音+ing(除掉opening)

run after 追逐 (可以连读,r^ na: fte) in the garden 在花园里 a gardener 圆艺师 under 在....的之下 There is a chair under the bed a family tree 家谱 climb

他正在穿过那片草地: He is acrossing(across是介词,不能加ing) the grass He is walking/going/runing across the grass

They are overing(over还是介词,不能加ing) the bridge They are walking/goding/running over the bridge

I beg your pardon? / Pardon / Excuse me? / Sorry ? Say it again

What about ... ? What about the dog? -> What is the dog doing in the garden? 为了避免重复剧中的主语和谓语,使用what about来询问情况 I am teacher. What about you? I am learing English. What about you? I like rice What about you?

33/34 A fine day

  • sunhat
  • sunglass
  • sunblock 防晒霜
  • shine 照耀
  • foot bridge 天桥
  • shave 刮胡子
  • shaver 刮胡刀
  • wash 洗

今天天气很好,天空中飘着几朵白云,但是阳光灿烂。Lucy和她的男朋友在一块儿。他们正在开车。Lucy正在看一只漂亮的小鸟。 小鸟正在天上飞过。一些人从天桥上走过,他们很忙。

It is fine today, There are some clouds in the sky, But the sun is shining Lucy is with her bodyfriend, They are driving. Lucy is looking at a beautiful bird. The bird is flying in the sky. Some people are walking over the bridge. They are busy


  1. 时态需要通过动词来表示
  2. 词组中最为重要的就是动词词组
  3. 句子所有骨架中最为重要和不能缺失的就是动词

动词种类: 1. 连系动词 She is beautiful

  1. 情态动词 You must do it

  2. 实义动词 I wash my hands

  3. 及物动词
  4. 不及物动词

  5. 助动词

  6. help sb with sth Linda often helps her mother with the housework on weekends

  7. catch up with 追上 I begin to catch up with my classmates

  8. among vs between 前者表示在...之间(三者或以上),后者意思相同,但是表示的是二者之间

35/36 our village

  • between 介词 在....之间

between A and B

Just between you and me, don't tell others 天知地知,你知我知 The lady is between her daughter and her friend

  • hill 小山
  • mountain

  • wife (复数 wives)

  • along 介词(沿着)
  • swim(swimming) wim辅元辅结构

  • beside 介词 在...的旁边 There is a bed table beside the bed

  • off 介词 离开 driver off 开走

a photograph of our village a photo of my book

My wife and I are walking along ..... 我和我妻子沿着...散步,英语中习惯将他人放在前面,这里将my wife放在首位

one is teacher, the other is a doctor 当有大于二个的时候,用another

  • out of .... 出来 come out of .... walk out of .... run out of ....

  • some of 复数形式 some of them 他们中的一些 some of us 我们中的一些

  • 表示 谁谁谁 "的" (名词所有格)

  • 物主代词

  • 's 有生命的物体才能用这种方式,比如人,mother's car

  • of 无生命的,要倒着表示 the photo of my school the name of the song the color of the car

Jim and Jack's room 两个人共用 Jim's and Jack's rooms 房间各属各自所有

take to 开始、从事 take down 写下、记下 take off 脱下、起飞 take on 呈现、承担

turn in 上交 turn up 调高 turn down 调低 turn off 关闭 turn out 结果是

look after 照顾、照看 look up 查询 look for 寻找 look at 看 look into 调查 look to 指望、依赖 look over 检查、查看

The doctor is look over the crying baby, but he can't find out what is wrong with it

put off 推迟、耽搁 put up 张贴、举起 put down 放下、镇压 put away 收起


副词: 用来修饰adj、v、adv

  1. 修饰adj

  2. I am very tired

  3. I am so tired
  4. I am too tired
  5. I am awfully tired

  6. 修饰v

  7. I love you

  8. I love you very much
  9. I love you awfully


hard work 艰苦的工作 wokr hard 努力地工作

paint 涂色、上色 pink 粉色的 favourite 最喜欢的

I'am going to(助动词) paint(谓语) it(宾语) pink(宾补,对于宾语的补充说明)


I find the room dark 不能是 I find the room is dark

We must keep the classroom clean

历史使人明知: Histories make men wise 诗歌使人灵秀: Poems make men witty 数学使人缜密: Math make men subtle 哲学使人深刻: Philosophy make men deep

It's for my daughter


  1. 为了...某人而...

    • It's for you
  2. 对于某人来说

    • Math is so difficult for me
  3. 表示原因....

    • what are you sorry for?
  4. 长达...

    • I study Yoga for two years


be going to 句型

  1. 何时用 预先计划和打算要做的事
  2. 固定形式 主 + is/am/are + going to
  3. 小小的要求 后面接动词原型

I am going to go shoping this weekend He is going to sell his old car and buy a new one

be going to = be gonna 口语中可以简写 I am gonna be(动词原型,需要要有) happy this year

be going to 句型的其他形式:

疑: be 提前 否: be + not

Is she going to go shopping this weekend?

housework 家务活 listen 是一个动词,一般后面要加to listen to the music

Alice sings well(副词修饰动词,放在动词后面)

fine 形容词 nice 形容词 good 形容词 well 是副词

pick 挑选 bring 带来 carry 携带、搬运 take 带来

take away 拿走

make the bed for 为...铺床


  • front n 前面
  • in front of 在...之前 (外部) in the front of (内部)

The main is in front of the car The main is in the front of the car

  • careful 形容词

What are you going to do with .... 你打算如何处理.....

  • Be carefull
  • Give it to me 祈使句: 动词开头、没有主语

be + adj\prep 可以构成祈使句 be happy be good be nice be in beijing

Give it to me => You give the vase to me 双宾语


  1. give
  2. show
  3. fake
  4. teach

  5. give sth to sb = give sb sth I give a flower to my mother = I give my mother a flower

  6. There we are 瞧,看....,就这么着吧


  1. 构成 is not/am not/are not
  2. 对于实义动词的否定需要加Don't(Do not)
  3. No + n No smoking

Don't(助动词) smoke(动词,所以不能用is) Don't come in Don't dust in Don't litter Don't fall Don't sleep in Don'it enter Don't drop it

都是可以接双宾语 * show 给..看 * send 送给 * take 带给

show sb sth = show sth to sb send sb sth = send sth to sb take sb sth = take sth to sb

  • carry 携带
  • get 得到、拿
  • bring 带来
  • take 带走

ask sb to do sth ask sb not to do sth

41/42 Penny's bag

  1. cheese 奶酪
  2. bread
  3. soap 肥皂 soup 汤
  4. chocolate 巧克力
  5. sugar 糖(白砂糖)
  6. candy 糖果 sugar coat 委婉 Can you sugar ciat a little?
  7. coffee 咖啡
  8. tea 茶
  9. tobacco 烟草
  10. cigarette

Not very 不是非常.... It is not very heavy?

量词(量词本身可以是复数,比如two bottles....、two pieces of....): A piece of.... 一片 a loaf of... 一个、一条的 a bar of.... 一条、一块的 a bottle of.... 一瓶的.... a pound of .... 一榜的.... a tin of... 一罐的.... a cup of....1 一杯... a box of.... 一盒... s spoon of... 一勺...

half a pound of .... 半榜..... a quarter of a pound of .... 四分之一榜....


  1. 液体状的动词、water、tea、coffee、milk、beer
  2. 物质名词 soap、bread、chocolate、rice、tobacco
  3. 抽象名词 love、friendship、work、homework

不可数名词用法: 1. 前面不可以加 one、two、three 2. 前面不可以加 a\an 3. 后面不可以加s、永远是单数

the beer、the cheese、some rice

需用用量词搭配: a piece of bread a loaf of bread a bar of soap a bottle of cola

  • some vs any

some\any + 复数名词或不可数名词时,表示一些,

  1. some用在肯定句中,any用在否定句中,疑问句中
  2. 但是在表请求、建议的疑问句时用some Could you lend me some money?

  3. any/some + 单数名词,some翻译为某一,any翻译为任一

Some day,he can be some one 某一天,他可能称为一个人物

people是单复数同行的可数名词 few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词

cake 蛋糕、(居然是可数名词) bread 面包(不可数名词) apple 苹果(可数名词)

Five dollars is enough,这里用is,因为five dollars是一个整体

43/44 Hurry up

  • of course certainly of course not 当然没有

  • kettle 水壶

  • behind

  • teapot 茶壶 hot pot 火锅

  • now 现在、此刻 What are you doing now? I am learning English

What are you going to do now?

  • look

Look! Can you see it? Listen! Can you hear it? Look for it! Can you find it?

表示动作: Look、Listen、Look for it! 表示结果: see、hear、find

  • boil 沸腾、开 boil an egg

Hurry up! Be quick!


  • make the tea 沏茶
  • make some coffee
  • make in bed
  • What make is it?

It's over there 就在那儿 right here 就在这儿

Can you see it? Can you find it?

look -> see listen -> hear look for -> find

There it is -> It is there Here thery are -> They are here

Here I am There he is

可以吗? Can可以用于任何人称,不用考虑人称和单复数 Can you....? Can she....? Can he.....? Can we...? Can they...?

can + 动词,且是原型

Can you help me? Can you do it? Can we swim together? Can you make the tea? Can you see it? Can you find them?

  • knife -> knives (fe结尾,变成ves)
  • box -> boxes (以s、sh、x 、ch结尾的 + es/iz/)
  • loaf -> loafies (f结尾,变成ves)
  • shelf -> shelves f结尾,变成ves)
  • wife -> wives (fe结尾,变成ves)
  • dish -> dishes (以s、sh、x 、ch结尾的 + es/iz/)
  • bus -> buses (以s结尾,变成es)

Are there any + 复数 ? Is there any + 不可数名词?

有: 1. 拥有 have 2. 存在 there is/are

Do you have a boyfriend? 这里是拥有的关系 Do you have any monry? Are there any trees? Are there any buildings?

  • look for 寻找
  • find 找到
  • find out 找出
  • look at 看

must的否定形式是need't may表示可以时,它的反义词时mustn't

45/46 The boss's letter

  • can 能够,可以

  • boss 老板 manager 经理

  • minute wait a minute 等一会

  • ask 请求、询问

  • ask the way 问路

  • handwriting 书写

  • terrible 糟糕的

Can you come here a minute please? a minute 一会、一下

next door 在隔壁、与...相邻 She is next door She is next door to us There is a school next door to the park

next door to.... 与什么,..相邻 next-door 隔壁的(adj) The next-door girl is very beautiful The old man next-door is going to leave


  • 概念: 表示情感、态度 You must go out! Can you please stand up?

  • 包括: can、must、may...

  • 用法: +动词、且原型

He can do/read/write it

  • 没有人称和数的变化

  • 疑问句,情态动词提前

  • 否定句:

  • can-can't, cannot(必须合并在一起写,不能用can not)

  • must->mustn't(禁止)
  • may->may not

  • 没有必要: don't need to

  • lift 举起

  • cake 饼、蛋糕
  • biscuit 饼干

Can you lift this heavy case?

  1. 连系动词
  2. 情态动词
  3. 实义动词
  4. 助动词


  1. Can I help you?
  2. Can't wait!
  3. I can't help! 没法子
  4. Can you give me a hand? 可以出手帮忙吗?

can 可以、能够 must 必须 have to 不得不 need to 需要 can't 不能够 needn't 没必要

表示猜测用can may it be true? 这可能是真的吗?


look after 照顾 look around 环视 look up 向上看 look for 寻找

hardly 几乎不 ever 永远、曾经 almost 几乎、差不多、将近、快要

47/48 A couple of coffee

  • fresh 新鲜的,the fresh air

  • egg 鸡蛋

  • butter 黄油,不可数

  • pure 纯净的
  • honey 蜂蜜
  • ripe 成熟的
  • banana 香蕉
  • jam 果酱
  • traffic jam
  • sweet 甜的 her sweet voice 他甜美的嗓音
  • orange 橙子
  • choice 上等的,精选的

  • like I like playing(不能有两个动词,要弱化) football

  • want think I want a new car I want to buy a new car I want to go shoping I want to swim

Do you want any sugar? Yes, please Do you want any milk? No, thank you

I don't like milk in my coffee I don't like English in Chinese

Are they happy? Are they students? Are they on the subway?

Are they + n/adj/介词短语

对于动词提问,使用Do. Do you like coffee?

现在进行时: 主语 + is/am/are + doing

You are eating breakfast Are you eating breakfast?

The apple of one's eyes 掌上明珠 the big apple 纽约市 Adam's apple 男性的喉结

名词的复数形式表示一类人或者一类事物? Which do you like better? Biscuits or breads?

  1. choice 精选的、上等的、极好的
  2. new 新的
  3. red 红的
  4. ripe 熟的


  • butcher 卖肉者

at the butcher's at the doctor's at the hairdresser's at the baker's

  • meet 肉,不可数名词
  • beef 牛肉
  • lamb 羔羊肉
  • mutton 羊肉
  • steak 牛排 a piece of steak
  • mince 肉馅
  • chicken
  • pork 猪肉
  • husband
  • wife

  • tell tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 To tell you the truth

  • truth 实情

  • either 也

I don't know either


  1. 何时用

  2. 经常的状态

  3. 习惯的动作
  4. 真理

  5. 结构

经常的状态: 主语 + is/am/are 习惯的动作: 主语 + v(动词) 真理: 主语 + is/am/are 或 主语 + v(动词)

  1. 动词

主语 + 动词(v) * 主语为非三单 + 动词原型 * 主语为三单 + 动词s\es

  1. 第一人称 I(单数形式)、we(复数形式) 主格形式| me、us 宾格形式
  2. 第二人称 you(单复数同型) 宾格和主格同型
  3. 第三人称 he、she、it、They(复数形式) 主格形式| him、her、them 宾格形式

He loves his girfriend very much Jim and Lily walk to school every day They drink beer beer every night My dog watches TV at night She goes to school on foot

  1. 疑问 Thery drink beer every night? Do thery drink beer every night?

He loves his girfriend very much Does he love his girlfriend very much?

  1. 否定 don't 来否定

Do you want ant meat....?

  • tomato
  • potato
  • cabbage
  • lettuce
  • pea
  • bean
  • pear
  • grape
  • peach


  • the U.S. 美国 the United States of America American 美国人

  • Brazil 巴西

  • Holland 荷兰 Dutch 荷兰人

  • England 英国 English 英国人

  • Italy 意大利 Italian 意大利人

  • Norway 挪威人

  • Russia 俄罗斯、俄罗斯人

  • Spain 西班牙 Spanish 西班牙人

  • Greece 希腊

  • Greek 希腊人
  • Athens 雅典
  • climate 气候 (很长一段时间体现出来的气候特点)
  • weather 天气(一天的气候)
  • pleasant 宜人的

a pleasant manner 随和的态度 a pleasant dream 美梦

like,像 What's the climate like?


How's the climate? How's the weather? How's her boyfriend? How's your boss?

What's the climate like in .... + 国家/城市/季节/月份? It's often sunny in March It's + 天气形容词 + in .... It + 天气动词 + in .....


  1. 经常的状态 主语 + is/am/are ....
  2. 习惯的动作 主语 + v
  3. 真理

这里冬天经常是雪天 It's often snowy in winter here

这里冬天经常下雪 It often snows in winter here

at / on / in + 时间

  • at + 点 at 2:00 at 4:00

  • on + 天 on Sunday on Jan.7th

  • in + 月/季/年(持续的时间)

sometimes 有时、频度副词 He is sometimes late

sometime 某时、副词 I hope to see you again sometime

some time 一段时间 I takes me some time to get there


  • mild 温和的 spicy food 辛辣的食物

  • north east west south

be in the south of A,在A的南部 be to the south of A,在A外的南部

news (north、ease、weat、 south) 新闻、消息 East、west、home is best 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝

wet 潮湿的 weep 流泪 wave 波浪 wine 红酒 wash 清洗

season 季节 best 最(adv)、最好的(adj) I like green best (行容词前、动词后 -> 副词的位置) I like beijing best

night 夜晚 evening 傍晚 rise 升起 set 落下 early 早的 late 晚的 subject 科目、话题

what's the climate\weather like in + (月份、季节、地点)

描述天气的句子: It is ... in ...

  1. It is terrible in spring
  2. It is dry in the west
  3. It is pleasant in Xiamen

Which seasons do you like best? Which are your favorite aseasons?


  1. never
  2. seldom
  3. sometimes
  4. often
  5. usually
  6. always

频率副词的位置: 情、系后,实义前

He is always late He often writes love letters to girls

表达强调时,可调整位置 I can never remember I never can remember (调整位置)

谈谈天气: sunny/clear 晴朗 rain showers 阵雨 light snow 小雪 mostly cloudy 大部多云 partly windy 局部有风 雾霾 haze sandstorm 沙尘爆 The weather is bad/terrible

I am crazy about.....

south by east 南偏东

in season 当今、旺季 out of season 淡季

make the best of 尽量利用 best of all 最喜欢 at the best 充其量、至多 at one's best 兴盛到极点 day and night, night and day 夜以继日的 by night 在夜间 on the rise 在增长 rise from the dead 死而复生 give rise to 引起 rise up 起义

in the early seventies from the earliest times at the earliest

set about 着手、开始 set aside 拔出、挑出、留出 set back 推迟、延缓 set down 放在、记下 set forth 陈述 set off 动身、出发

be different from 与...不同 ,后面接的是比较的对象 A is different from B

be different in 在...方面不同,in后面接比较的那方面。 The difference in price was enormous.


  1. live live + at (非常小的地方) live + in (相对大的地方)

She lives at 23 Haidian Street I live in Beijing

evil adj 邪恶的

  1. stay

短暂停留 stay + at (非常小的地方) stay + in (大的地方)

stay at home stay at hotel stay in New York

  1. arrive arrive + at (小的地方) arrive + in (大的地方)

I arrive at the classroom early I arrive in Shanghai late

  1. housework 不可数名词 homework家庭作业

do some housework/homework

  1. lunch breakfast dinner/supper 晚饭

eat/hash breakfast/launch/dinner/supper

  1. noon 正午 morning 早晨 evening 傍晚 night 夜晚

in the moring/afternoon/evening at night at noon an evening dress

7, usually 副词

  1. together adv 一起


4 Xingfu Street, Chanyang District Beijing 从小到大说

动词短语: go to work go to school take sb to ... stay at home see her friends come home from work come home from school go to bed read newspaper watch television

home go to school go to work go to bed go to Shanghai go home/arrive home/come home,中间没有to


This is my home


  • home
  • there
  • here
  • upstairs
  • downstairs


名词的复数: 1. +s 2. 辅音 + y-ies ladies 3. s/sh/ch/x + es watches/buses/dishes 4. o + es potatoes

动词的第三人称单数: 1. +s 2. 辅音+y-ies 3. s/sh/ch/x + es passes 4. o + es goes

强调主语(重复提及主语) She always eats her lunch The children always do their homework Mr Sawer usually reads his newspaper


  • o'clock 整点

  • shop 商店(规模比较小) department store 百货商店

  • moment wait a second wait a moment wait a minute She is learning English at a moment

It is .....

  1. 天气 It is terriable in spring

  2. 点钟 It is eight now

  3. 电话 It's me, Venus


  1. on foot
  2. by bike
  3. by bus
  4. by car
  5. by train
  6. by air

How do you go to school?

Ther are going to school on foot

一般现在时 vs 现在进行时

  • 使用情况不同

一般现在时: 习惯的状态、经常的动作、真理 现在进行时: 此时此刻正在做、一段时间内一直

  • 结构不同

一般现在时: 主语 + is/am/are, 主语+v(动词原型) 现在进行时: 主语 + is/am/are + doing

  • 时间状语不同

  • 一般现在时 every、always、usually、often、sometimes

  • 现在进行时: now、at the moment

what's the time? what time is it?

连读(一辅一元,前辅后元): it is -> it is (t和i连读) an orange put on stop it take off come on in live at clean it up

省读: sit down part time big cake but now good moring not that one good night bookcase


I'm gonna sit down on the grass (gonna -> going to) I want to put on my shirt(want to -> wanna)


  • envelope 信封
  • writing paper 信纸(不可数) a piece of writing paper

  • shop assisant 售货员

S、M、L XS -> extra small

small/medium/large size

size 6/7 反过来说,7码 class 2 二班 line 10 十号线

a bottle of glue a stick of chalk / a box of chalk

  • change 零钱

keep the change 不用找零了


  1. I want some...../I want a ....
  2. Do you have any...?
  3. n + please

  4. only adv(仅仅、只有) I have two watches I only have two watches I have only two watches

使用场景: That's all thank you

  1. 发音完毕
  2. 讲课结束时
  3. 购物时

what else?

Do you have any...?

    • 可数名词

Do you have any friends/envelopes/bananas/....

    • 不可数名词


Do you have any shorts I want some shorts, please Yes what size do you want? I want medium size Can I have a try? 我可以试穿吗? Yes of course Ok this pair please


  1. feel 感觉、look 看起来 感官动词
  2. must
  3. call 叫、请
  4. telephone 电话 打电话的几种说法:

    • call sb
    • phone sb
    • give sb a call
    • give sb a phone
  5. remember 记住、记得

  6. tongue 舌头 tongue twister 绕口令

a cold handshake a cold color a piece of news

in bed 生病卧床 He is in the bed 他在床上 He is in bed 他卧病在床

in the hospital in hospital


what's the matter with him? what's wrong with sb? what's up?

So he muts stay in bed for a week (持续一个星期,需要加for) That's good news for Jimmy (for 对于某人来说) English is very easy for me

感官动词: 半系动词(用形容词来修饰,和系动词接近),一半实义动词(时态人称单复数等变化和实义动词一致,用副词修饰)

  1. headache
  2. earache
  3. toothache
  4. stomach ache

have a xxxache

  1. flu 流感
  2. bird flu
  3. swine flu

have flu/have bird flu

  1. measles 麻疹 have measles

  2. mumps

  3. dentist 牙医 scientist tourist typist

  4. medicine 药

He has a headache What must he do? He must take an aspirin

The baby has a temperature what must we do? He must see the doctor

He is under the weather He has a runny nose、sneezing or a scratchy throat He has an allergy

I'm troubled by ...


  1. have/has
  2. take/catch
  3. get...
  4. suffer from...


  • better
  • certainly adv 当然
  • get up go to bed / go to sleep

  • yet adv 还、仍

  • rich 油腻的、富有的

rich food 油腻的食物 mild food 清淡的食物 spicy food 辛辣的食物 green food 绿色食品 fast food 快餐 sea food 海鲜


yet 否定疑问句末 mustn't 绝对不 You are better now, but you mustn't go to school yet

You must stay in bed two days again(强调再来两天,而不是再卧床。所以不能用again) You must stay in bed for another two days

I must stay in BJ for another two weeks We must study English for another two years

发烧 1. have a fever 2. have a temperature

He has a ferver Do you have a fever? Does he have a fever? I don't have a fever He doesn't have a fever


  1. stay in bed
  2. remain in bed

He every day can get up about two hours (重点是他可以起床,而不是every day) He can get up for(长达 + 时间段) about two hours every day 英文中,要突出谁、做了什么

each day(强调个体) vs every day(强调整体)

Hi every one! Each man has his own name

You(主) must(情态动词) keep(动词) the room(宾语) warm (宾补)

must: 疑问: Must I clean the room? 否定: 1. You mustn't make noise here 2. I don't need to clean the room 不必

  • play: play games/play the violin/play football/play basketball
  • match: 火柴 matches 复数
  • talk: talk to sb 与....谈话 Don't talk to me like that!/Don't talk to strangers
  • library: in the library
  • so: adv 如此地 so beautiful/ so much
  • lean out of: 身体探出、探身出去 lean out of the window



  • Dad

  • key 钥匙 可数名词 the key to the door 门的钥匙 the key to the car the color of the book

  • baby 婴儿、宝贝 baby-kid(child)-teenager baby, honey, sweetheart

  • listen(听) vs hear(听见) Listen! Can you hear it?

Look(看) vs See(看见)

  • enjoy 玩的开心、喜欢 I enjoy my holiday I enjoy the song very much en-使得的词前缀 enlarge、endanger、enslave、enjoy

  • mum 妈妈

You must be(情态动词+be动词原形) home at half past ten

回家: 1. be home 2. get home 3. come home 4. arrive home

这些home都是副词可以直接修饰动词,如果是名词需要有介词搭配(go to(搭配介词) school)

the answer to the question the exit to the building the ticket to the movie


  1. greengrocer

at the greenhgrocer's at the butcher's at the doctor's at the grocer's

  1. absent He is absent today He is absent from school today

be absent from school\work\class

She is not absent from work

  1. keep keep healthy 保持健康

  2. spend 动词

He stays in Beijing for two days He spends two days in Beijing.

一般情况,时间和地点同时出现的时候,地点在前,时间在后,spend在相反 spend + 时间 + 地点 spend + 时间 + with sb

He spends two weeks with his girlfriend

  1. country in the country 在乡下 in the city 在城里 in the village 在村里 in my country 在我的国家

village vs country

  1. lucky adj 幸运的 You are so lucky! You are a lucky dog.

  2. 星期 Sunday (Sun) Monday (Mon) Tuesday (Tues) Wednesday (Wed) Thursday (Thu) Friday (Fri) Saturday (Sat)

一个星期的开始是Sunday 星期需要首字母大写 on + 天

Where(过去式) you at the butcher's? 你刚在肉店吗? Are you at the butcher's? 你现在在肉店吗? How's jmmy today?

How's (is/was/has)

Was he absent from school last week? He was absent from last week 一般陈述句

How are you(all keeping)? We're going to spend three days

at my mother's at the butcher's

Aren't you lucky! 你们可真幸运啊