
  • what is ... like? ....是什么样的? What's the job like? What about the city? What are the best place to visit?

  • Do you have + n ? / Do you have any + n(复数)? be up to 从事于、忙于 What are you up to this weekend?

be going to + 地点, 即将去的某地 have a good time 度过了愉快的时间

非常地道的口语表达方式(再见) catch you later/see you later

clear up 使...清楚 Thanks for clearing that up

you lost me would you mind + doing 请问你愿意做xx吗?

stopover and layover 中途停留

both 要放在be动词、情态动词、助动词后,实义动词前 we both like English we are both programmer

How + 形容词 + is 某事/某物?

break 休息 bread 面包 breed 培育 brake 刹车

on the way 在路上 in the way 挡道 by the way 顺便说一声 in a way 在某种程度上

try on 试穿 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开 make up 化妆

I'am almost finished my work. Only five more minutes 数字 + more 表示还需要"额外的多少"

where did the time go?

on the last day of school,而不是in the last day of school,

bench 长凳 beach 沙滩 breach 破坏、裂口 breath 呼吸

take a break take a step 采取措施 take a chance 抓住机会 take a risk 冒险

abroad 到/在国外 aboard 在(交通工具)上、登上(交通工具) broad 宽阔的 blackboard 黑板

take your time? 慢慢来

I'll want to 建议....