


  • 戴帽子

名词前通常需要加冠词(a the an等) a girl the girl a city the city a station the station

不需要带帽子的地方: Sara 一个人的名词前不需要加冠词 Beijing 地名 Peking University

  • 名词的单复数

a girl -> girls a book -> books


  1. 以s \ sh \ x \ ch结尾 + es

a bus -> buses a brush -> brushes a box -> boxes a bench -> benches

  1. 以f\fe结尾的要把f\fe变成ves,有时也会+s

a wife -> wives a shelf -> shelves a knife -> knives a leaf -> leaves

特殊情况,只加s a roof -> roofs a cliff -> cliffs


a scarf -> scarfs\scarves

  1. 辅音字母+y结尾,遍y为i + es

a baby -> babies a lady -> ladies a city -> cities a country -> countries

  1. 云音 + o结尾 + s\z\ 辅音 + o结尾 + es\z\

a zoo -> zoos a radio -> radios

a hero -> heroes a protato -> protatoes a tomato -> tomatoes

  1. 不规则 a sheep -> sheep a deer -> deer a swine -> swine a fish -> fish a man -> men a woman -> women a tooth -> teeth a child -> children a mouse -> mice an ox -> oxen a phenomenon -> phenomena a formula -> formulae

  2. 一般以复数形式出现的

jeans pants shorts pyjamas glasses

  • 名词的可数和不可数 不可以数的、不可以计算的名词

  • 液体状的 water\tea\coffee\milk\beer...

  • 物质名词: soap\air\chocolate\rice
  • 抽象名词: love/friendship\enthusiasm