
  • Excuse me [ɪkˈskjuːz] 其中s后面的k会浊化成g

  • 有礼貌的引起注意

  • 打断对方说话而抱歉
  • 离开或停止与其交谈
  • 借过
  • 为失礼而抱歉
  • 请再说一次

  • Excuse [ɪkˈskjuːs] the mess 请原谅这么乱

  • name is 连读

  • can you take photo for us?

  • can i take photo with you?

take a photo/photos + of(给某人照相)/for(帮某人照相)/with(和某人一起照相) sb

  • photographer
  • little [ˈlɪtl]
  • go to the pictures/movies 意思一样
  • a picturesque village 风景如画
  • What's it(t省略掉了) for?
  • What for? = Why?

  • It is for publication

  • a best seller = It's a good read 而不是 It's a good book
  • It's worth reading a second time
  • book a room/ticket

  • call sth sb => I call it Famoly Album

  • call sb names 辱骂某人
  • call in sick 打电话请病假
  • call him names
  • Album 相册

  • That is good/excellent/wonderful/marvelous/brilliiant idea

  • Everything is gonna be fine/Ok
  • I really appreciate it/your help = I'm very grateful for it;
  • And where do you live?
  • We live in California
  • When I was a boy of fifteen
  • Live in fear/terror 活在恐怖中
  • a live TV show
  • a live animal
  • We're living in California

  • live [lɪv; laɪv]

  • just a second
  • Welcome home/back
  • You're weclome
  • just a sec/minute/moment
  • Could you do me a favor?
  • just give me hand
  • Hold sb's hand => Please hold my hand
  • Hold me close 紧紧抱着我
  • Hold on 不要挂断,请稍等
  • What's your point?
  • Point out 指出来
  • He came to the point
  • be to the point
  • A case in point is...
  • It looks terrific on you